your sales recruitment partner.

Get the sales stars you need, exactly when you need them. We offer targeted solutions supported by modern technology and a global network. With our in-depth market knowledge and access to a large pool of carefully selected candidates, we ensure an efficient recruitment process. We can help you fill all types of sales positions so your organisation is equipped to meet the customer where they are.

which sales rep do you need?

Sales isn't just selling. A salesperson is not just a salesperson. There's a big difference between, for example, selling surgical equipment to the healthcare sector and IT consultants to the SME segment of the private sector. We know the differences. We know the nuances. We know what it takes.

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identifying the best sellers in the market.

strengthen your position in the market.

By using Randstad for recruitment, your company can significantly strengthen its position in the market. We help you find the best sales profiles with both technical skills and strong personal qualities. Our targeted solutions, supported by modern technology and a global network, ensure an efficient recruitment process. With our experienced consultants who understand the nuances of different industries, we can match you with salespeople who are ready to meet your customers and drive your business forward.

specialised consultants.

It's a great advantage to let consultants specialising in sales handle your recruitment. They have a deep understanding of sales as a craft and know the specific requirements and nuances of different sales roles. At Randstad, our experienced recruitment consultants can identify candidates with both the necessary technical skills and strong personal qualities.

the right profile.

At Randstad, we recognise that selling to SMEs, for example, requires different skills than selling to multinational corporations. Requirements also vary whether you're selling IT equipment or consultancy services. We assess candidates' experience in dealing with everything from C-level decision makers to middle managers. Our holistic approach includes assessing technical skills, proven track record and personality. This ensures that we find the ideal sales profiles that precisely match your organisation's needs and market.

people and technology.

We combine the latest technology with our human expertise to spot talent that can create lasting relationships and deliver measurable results. Our strong concepts ensure that we can quickly and accurately find and assess candidates, while maintaining a personal approach to each recruitment. As in sales, the personal contact is the most important contact. This means you get the best candidates once we've met them, spoken to them and felt them.

specialists in recruiting sales profiles.

Salespeople are in high demand - especially skilled specialised salespeople. We have more than 60 years of experience in specialised recruitment. You get the best of both worlds with our specialised knowledge combined with modern technology.

With Randstad as your HR partner, you get specialists who only work with recruiting salespeople. They know where they are and who can be moved. At the same time, we match their personality with your company culture, so you hire the right engineer or technician the first time.

We thoroughly understand your needs when we help you with your sales recruitment. You'll be assigned a dedicated recruitment consultant from start to finish, with whom you can discuss your needs and opportunities on an ongoing basis. Want us to help you?

trends and insights in the labour market.

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use our specialists to find your specialists.

Just as you specialise in your field, we specialise in ours. That's why you'll find the people you need faster when you let us help you.

we find the seller in the commercial haystack.

Want access to the best sales profiles from day 1? Our years of experience and expertise make the difference.

Finding the perfect salesperson requires both sharp eyes and the latest technology. Our specialised consultants are experts in spotting salespeople who know their craft and can really deliver.

We know your industry and know what it takes. Our specialists get sales profiles in the process that others can't. Forget about posting "Salesperson wanted" on random sites and then crossing your fingers. We do the outreach "sales recruitment" work needed to attract the right profiles.

At Randstad, it's the human element that makes the difference. You get people you can trust and technology you can rely on. When you need help recruiting engineers, we put our greatest asset to work right away - our people.

hire a temporary resource.

Hiring a salesperson, sales manager or sales director on a temporary contract gives you flexibility and the ability to respond to urgent market needs. You can quickly adapt to changes and ensure you have the necessary resources and specialisms to drive sales and growth for the period needed.

Temporary placements allow both you and the candidate to test each other's skills and compatibility in terms of culture and work environment. It's a smart way to assess if you're a good match and if it's the right role before you decide on a permanent position. Plus, you can bring specialised skills and experience into the organisation for specific projects or periods of high demand.

You can choose between temp, consultant or freelancer. Temporary positions can last from a few weeks to several months, while consultancy and freelance contracts can be tailored to specific tasks or project periods, giving you maximum flexibility.

want our specialists to find your specialists?

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