how we help your dismissed employees.

Dismissing an employee is never fun. Whatever the reason, it's a huge upheaval for both the organisation and the dismissed employee.

At Randstad, we offer outplacement programmes that ensure your dismissed employees have the best conditions to move forward in their working life. Outplacement via Randstad also ensures your company a professional process during a difficult time.

Outplacement programmes are for everyone - regardless of industry and job function. Our extensive knowledge of the labour and recruitment market makes us an ideal partner when it comes to outplacement.


outplacement programme with us.

An outplacement programme with us is always individually tailored. We help the dismissed employee to get an overview of their own competences, which makes the job search easier. When you are clear about what you can contribute to a workplace - both professionally and personally - it is easier to find a new job. Outplacement is therefore an investment in the future of your former employees and a good way to say goodbye - and maybe see them again.

When your company offers dismissed employees an outplacement programme with us, you are offering them qualified career counselling to help them move on. We are your HR partner in a digital world.

We help our outplaced employees to map their competences and values, which is rewarding both in a professional and personal context.

what is outplacement?

Outplacement is professional job counselling for an employee or manager who has been made redundant. It is a process in which the dismissed person learns more about their competences and values. They are then given the tools and support to find their next job.

There are three important elements of outplacement. First and foremost, the employee needs to find out what they can do, what they want, and how to get there. In other words, an outplacement programme is about clarifying what you want and what you can do, and setting the right strategy to achieve your career goals.

There are many things in an outplacement programme. However, it is especially the individual sparring that is important. Otherwise, the programme typically includes a profile test, a career check and digital upskilling. We tailor the programme to suit the age, function and needs of the individual employee who has been made redundant. You are always welcome to contact us so that we can help you.  

In an ever changing labour market, it is also crucial to retain valuable employees - Create opportunities with talent mobility and career development solutions.

do you want us to help your employees move on?

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what is the cost of outplacement?

outplacement programmes with us.

The price of an outplacement programme depends on a number of factors, including the length of the programme and its specific content. The number of job opportunities available to the dismissed employee also plays a role in the price.

All outplacement programmes are individually tailored. The length of the programme depends, among other things, on the age and function of the dismissed employee. Therefore, we cannot provide a standard price. On the other hand, we can guarantee that your employees will move on well after their dismissal.


does outplacement work?

The short answer is "yes". Outplacement works to a great extent. In fact, across industries and job functions, we see that people who have been in an outplacement programme with us get jobs faster than people who have not.

One of the reasons for this is that through outplacement, you get a clearer idea of what you can and want to do. You get professional sparring, which means that you can try out ideas in a safe forum and find out what works. With outplacement, you as a company are signalling that you treat your employees properly - even after a dismissal.

The focus of our outplacement programmes is always to help your former employees move on. How long it takes varies from person to person, and as mentioned, there are many factors that come into play. An outplacement programme with us provides the best basis for applying for a job and moving on in your career.

randstad risesmart - outplacement & transition

Randstad RiseSmart is one of the world's largest providers of outplacement and transition solutions. The combination of modern technology and human input means that through Randstad RiseSmart we can offer each participant 3 dedicated and specialised career coaches at the same time as well as access to a large universe of learning and development material that is freely available to the individual participant at any given time.

we can also help you find a new colleague.

There may be several reasons why it is necessary to terminate the employment of an employee. If you need a temporary worker or new employee, we can help with this too. Time is of the essence and our flexible temporary staffing solutions help you find the temporary workers you need.

We have more than 50 years of experience in matching companies and jobseekers. Let our specialists find your new specialist. There's always someone out there who fits your business. Want us to find your next talent?

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