randstad digital.

Randstad is the world's largest HR provider, but we're also an international IT consultancy with 6000+ IT specialists across Europe.

Randstad Digital helps you with everything from digital transformation projects to applications, infrastructure management and technical solutions - no need is too complex - and no project is too big.

With Randstad Digital, you get access to scarce technical talent and the digital solutions your business needs.

As one of the world's largest and most trusted technology solutions providers, Randstad Digital delivers customised solutions for businesses of all sizes across all industries.

The starting point is a strong partnership with you and your business around your needs and wants.

3 benefits of IT nearshoring.

via Randstad.

large global network.

We have a large global network of English-speaking IT talent and we help set up the framework for your international IT specialists in, for example, Portugal, Spain or Romania. 

Our many years of experience and international reach enable us to provide you with flexible solutions and a setup that can be adapted according to how the world evolves. 

flexible set-up.

With our nearshoring solutions, you get a flexible set-up that gives you access to qualified IT specialists in high-demand areas. We provide professional advice throughout the process and work with you to ensure the best possible solution. 

At Randstad, we tailor our solutions to your unique business needs and goals. In close dialogue with you, we assess your candidate needs, the available candidates on the market and develop a tailor-made solution for hiring qualified employees in the areas you need.

Together we will find the right solution.

full compliance.

We are experts in international recruitment and ensure that all legal and tax requirements are met.  

Data security is a growing concern in the digital age, where organisations collect and store large amounts of data. It is therefore crucial that you can trust your employees to handle your data correctly and that you have the right measures in place to protect important information, across borders. This security is a mandatory requirement when you work with Randstad.



One of our popular nearshoring destinations is Portugal. With Randstad Digital, you get a professional and reliable partner to help you find the team of specialised IT professionals your business needs.

why nearshoring in portugal?

There are many advantages to using Portugal as a nearshoring destination.

1. attractive for IT specialists.

Portugal is a very attractive country to live and work in, and it is one of the countries in Europe where most IT specialists want to work. With Portuguese as its main language, Portugal attracts many IT specialists from countries such as Brazil, and people from Egypt and Morocco are keen to move to Portugal on a permanent basis.

2. low costs.

Salaries are low compared to Denmark, and staff retention is good. We take care of payment and remuneration, and we ensure good working conditions with employee retention as an important and natural focal point. We offer Danish IT companies nearshore development in Randstad's own setups in our super nice offices overlooking Parque das Nações in Lisbon. 

3. minimal time and cultural differences.

With nearshoring in Portugal, both cultural and time differences are minimal, which means that communication and collaboration with your IT specialists can take place easily and smoothly without compromising on quality.

flexible outsourcing.

with Randstad Digital.

The time it takes to find and hire qualified IT talent is increasing these days - and when you're busy getting important projects to the finish line, there's no time to waste. That's why working with Randstad makes sense. We do the hard work to make sure you have the resources you need, when you need them.

Randstad's global presence and expertise gives you flexible outsourcing solutions that meet your business needs and requirements.

We offer customised solutions for outsourcing IT and software development, for example. Access experienced developers and development teams with the necessary skills to design, code and implement your projects.

We'll work with you to find the solution that best suits your needs, and we'll provide a flexible and agile set-up that meets your immediate needs while taking into account the ever-changing labour market.

With Randstad, you get a reliable and strategic development partner you can trust.

We offer a flexible set-up with multiple nearshoring destinations across Europe, so you can choose the option(s) that suit you best.

We will find the people you need for your project, manage salaries, social security, insurance, office space and many other expenses that you don't have to worry about.

frequently asked questions