Sensio, en af nordens hurtigst voksende udbydere inden for velfærdsteknologi, søger en empatisk Customer Service Consultant med flair for IT og SaaS.Sensio er på forkant med løsningen af nutidens og fremtidens plejeudfordringer og leverer innovative løsninger, der forbedrer livet for både borgere og sundhedspersonale. Med en robust portefølje, der inkluderer digitalt tilsyn, sensorer, nødkald og mobile tryghedsalarmer, driver Sensio transformative ændringe
Sensio, en af nordens hurtigst voksende udbydere inden for velfærdsteknologi, søger en empatisk Customer Service Consultant med flair for IT og SaaS.Sensio er på forkant med løsningen af nutidens og fremtidens plejeudfordringer og leverer innovative løsninger, der forbedrer livet for både borgere og sundhedspersonale. Med en robust portefølje, der inkluderer digitalt tilsyn, sensorer, nødkald og mobile tryghedsalarmer, driver Sensio transformative ændringe
Er du god til at skabe dialog og hjælpe andre med tekniske udfordringer? Har du en naturlig evne til at finde løsninger og skabe værdi? Så er dette jobbet for dig!For Norlys søger vi tekniske supportmedarbejdere til deres team i Brønderslev. Stillingen er en Try & Hire med opstart den 6. januar, og vi leder efter en engageret person, der kan sikre, at kunderne får den bedst mulige oplevelse.dine primære arbejdsopgaver• Besvare opkald fra kunder• Vejlede og
Er du god til at skabe dialog og hjælpe andre med tekniske udfordringer? Har du en naturlig evne til at finde løsninger og skabe værdi? Så er dette jobbet for dig!For Norlys søger vi tekniske supportmedarbejdere til deres team i Brønderslev. Stillingen er en Try & Hire med opstart den 6. januar, og vi leder efter en engageret person, der kan sikre, at kunderne får den bedst mulige oplevelse.dine primære arbejdsopgaver• Besvare opkald fra kunder• Vejlede og
We are currently looking for a Software Engineer with .NET skills and experience in developing software and services on Cloud Providers.A strong team player who contributes positively to the IDP team dynamic and has a lean and agile mindset. A professional who has a good understanding of the business and knows how to map this into an ideal solution. You have a proven record of continuously evolving, evaluating, and experimenting with new technologies to en
We are currently looking for a Software Engineer with .NET skills and experience in developing software and services on Cloud Providers.A strong team player who contributes positively to the IDP team dynamic and has a lean and agile mindset. A professional who has a good understanding of the business and knows how to map this into an ideal solution. You have a proven record of continuously evolving, evaluating, and experimenting with new technologies to en
Motiveres du af en hverdag med teknik og problemløsning som omdrejningspunkt? Kan du lide at sikre stabil drift og få ansvar for at optimere, udvikle og supportere et varieret systemlandskab? Hvis du trives i en intern rolle med stor indflydelse på løsningerne, så er rollen som IT-systemtekniker ved Triscan A/S måske din næste.I mere end fire årtier har Triscan - med hovedkvarter i Brabrand, Aarhus – gennem produktion, konceptskabelse, markedsføring og dis
Motiveres du af en hverdag med teknik og problemløsning som omdrejningspunkt? Kan du lide at sikre stabil drift og få ansvar for at optimere, udvikle og supportere et varieret systemlandskab? Hvis du trives i en intern rolle med stor indflydelse på løsningerne, så er rollen som IT-systemtekniker ved Triscan A/S måske din næste.I mere end fire årtier har Triscan - med hovedkvarter i Brabrand, Aarhus – gennem produktion, konceptskabelse, markedsføring og dis
Har du mod på at blive del af en markedsledende virksomhed inden for energi- og telesektorerne, som skaber værdi for samfundet? Norlys er Danmarks største energi- og telekoncern, ejet af andelshavere og dedikeret til at fremme positiv forandring gennem stærkt fællesskab.Hvis du brænder for at arbejde med kritisk infrastruktur i et socialt ansvarligt miljø og ønsker at gøre en meningsfuld forskel, så bliv en del af Norlys som Senior Network Architect. Du få
Har du mod på at blive del af en markedsledende virksomhed inden for energi- og telesektorerne, som skaber værdi for samfundet? Norlys er Danmarks største energi- og telekoncern, ejet af andelshavere og dedikeret til at fremme positiv forandring gennem stærkt fællesskab.Hvis du brænder for at arbejde med kritisk infrastruktur i et socialt ansvarligt miljø og ønsker at gøre en meningsfuld forskel, så bliv en del af Norlys som Senior Network Architect. Du få
Are you ready to be part of the largest integrated tele and energy company while driving the digital and green transition? Norlys is Denmark's largest energy and telecom group, owned by their cooperative members and dedicated to fostering positive change through their strong community.If you are passionate about working in a forward-thinking and socially responsible environment, and are eager to make a meaningful impact, then join Norlys as their Infrastr
Are you ready to be part of the largest integrated tele and energy company while driving the digital and green transition? Norlys is Denmark's largest energy and telecom group, owned by their cooperative members and dedicated to fostering positive change through their strong community.If you are passionate about working in a forward-thinking and socially responsible environment, and are eager to make a meaningful impact, then join Norlys as their Infrastr
the roleAs a software engineer at PSQR you will become a part of a highly skilled team. PSQR favour above all the relevancy of technical solutions coming from the team: the hierarchy is flat, and the process of decision making is collaborative – we strive towards choosing good solutions no matter who came up with them.We are a diverse team of international employees working together at our head office located in the city centre of Copenhagen.your profileWe
the roleAs a software engineer at PSQR you will become a part of a highly skilled team. PSQR favour above all the relevancy of technical solutions coming from the team: the hierarchy is flat, and the process of decision making is collaborative – we strive towards choosing good solutions no matter who came up with them.We are a diverse team of international employees working together at our head office located in the city centre of Copenhagen.your profileWe
Would you like to work with sustainable energy companies through developing great solutions and platforms that utilise new and exciting technologies? Minds and Co. is looking for a Lead .NET Developer to join their team in Aarhus. In this role, you'll work with big data streams and high update rates in a mission-critical environment. If you excel in a self-managed environment and value teamwork and knowledge-sharing, this opportunity is perfect for you. yo
Would you like to work with sustainable energy companies through developing great solutions and platforms that utilise new and exciting technologies? Minds and Co. is looking for a Lead .NET Developer to join their team in Aarhus. In this role, you'll work with big data streams and high update rates in a mission-critical environment. If you excel in a self-managed environment and value teamwork and knowledge-sharing, this opportunity is perfect for you. yo
Are you ready to be part of the largest integrated tele and energy company while driving the digital and green transition? Norlys is Denmark's largest energy and telecom group, owned by their cooperative members and dedicated to fostering positive change through their strong community.If you are passionate about working in a forward-thinking and socially responsible environment and are eager to make a meaningful impact, then join Norlys as their Monitoring
Are you ready to be part of the largest integrated tele and energy company while driving the digital and green transition? Norlys is Denmark's largest energy and telecom group, owned by their cooperative members and dedicated to fostering positive change through their strong community.If you are passionate about working in a forward-thinking and socially responsible environment and are eager to make a meaningful impact, then join Norlys as their Monitoring
Are you ready to be part of a company that leads in the energy and telecom sectors while driving societal impact? Norlys is Denmark's largest energy and telecom group, owned by their cooperative members and dedicated to fostering positive change through their strong community.If you are passionate about working in a forward-thinking and socially responsible environment and are eager to make a meaningful impact, then join Norlys as their next IAM Architect.
Are you ready to be part of a company that leads in the energy and telecom sectors while driving societal impact? Norlys is Denmark's largest energy and telecom group, owned by their cooperative members and dedicated to fostering positive change through their strong community.If you are passionate about working in a forward-thinking and socially responsible environment and are eager to make a meaningful impact, then join Norlys as their next IAM Architect.
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